
Haha, oooopsie! I had my server guys update to the new wordpress for me then I went on a week long vacation to visit some family… Little did I know that my site wouldn’t have the right template uploaded. Oops. So it looked pretty damn ugly for about a week 🙂 Anyway, it’s back to…


Got Gta 4 the other day! I haven’t gotten very far in the game yet but so far so good. I remember playing the very first GTA on my pc waaay way back in the day lol. It was so much fun. And I’ve played every Grand Theft Auto since then. I got really into…

Happy Belated Easter

Hey guys! You are all so patient. hehe I’m sorry. I totally suck at keep up with updates here 🙁 bad Kate. But I’ve been really busy lately leveling fishing and cooking on my WoW character. haha seriously. Yes, I like fishing in wow. I’m lame like that though. Plus kara runs, and gruuls… blah…

Handy Girl

I’m a couple weeks late on posting these pics. Sorry! But I wanted to have NEW, new stuff to show you. So the two sets with my hair blondish are obviously older and the handy girl set is brand new! I just shot it a few days ago 🙂 I think it’s a super cute…

Be mine!

Happy Valentines Day guys! (and girls!). Remember it’s not just about romantic love anymore, it’s about love in general so I hope you all have someone to love today! Give your mom a hug or something hehe. Hope you enjoy the pics I have for you! The first are of me and Carmen from Craving…