There seems to be a lot of commenters that enjoy world of warcraft as much as I do. So I thought I would share some pics with you. These are a bit older and my character was only lvl 40 or something but still… it’s WoW!
Now I’m lvl 64 but I really don’t play as much anymore. I just don’t have the time. But I still love the game! I used to be pretty addicted to it. I would play ALLLL day long, everyday. It was pretty bad actually. But what else was a girl who didn’t have a “job” supposed to do?
anyway enjoy. And don’t forget to check out my playground for some pics of the latest updates 🙂

Ahh good ol’ Gadgetstanz in the backround. Too bad u dont play on a pvp server or I would gank you sooooo hard….lawl.
I can’t wait for “the return of the lich king” expansion!
rogues always do me from behind when i was playing in the alliance, that’s why i re-rolled and changed to horde. Right now i’m the one doing people from behind 😀
stopped writing what? im always replying to comments 🙂
is it just me or has she stopped writing
so u look nice mama!! i want play WoW Against u whaha u are the sweetest girl in the world:)
Hah. I just started playing WoW recently (not doin bad, lvl 50) But I’ve certainly known plenty of very attractive girls who played. The whole “Girls don’t do dorky things like video games” is a crock. Addiction is addiction, heh.
As for growing old, as fit as you are you have little to worry about. Just keep it up. 🙂
Most Addicting Game EVER. Me ‘n my friend played the trial, couldn’t stop playing. Luckily for us the trial ran out. Also, congrats for making two fantasies for some ppl come true. A hot girl playin WoW, and a hot girl stripping while playin WoW. Have fun playin, and please, please dont get addicted again. It’s awful wat happens to those who do.
Heya Kate
ive read the convo and I see u like WoW, me 2 and ive played diaclo and starcraft and all the other warcrafts. Youre fit which means hot in english. I dont have a high lvl char in WoW at the moment…only lvl 23 🙁 Well anyway im hopin to get into game design so maybe il make a game and youll play it eh.
anyway i should stop ramblin now, what can I say… im a geek
*cough* buy stock *cough*
23 is most certainly -not- too old for this stuff. Besides, you don’t look a day older than 20.
aww thanks midnight! 🙂 Well it is a business so you do have to have some sort of idea of what you are doing… But mostly it was dumb luck for us 🙂 haha!
I don’t know when I will “retire” from all this. No time soon. I’m almost 23 though! eek. I’m getting too old for this stuff 🙁
I myself am happy to hear that you aren’t looking to get into adult films, why would you work for some company like Vivid or some other porn site when you already own your own website? And didn’t you say you were looking to retire by 25 or something? LoL Well hopefully not that soon Kate. Those films really take thier toll on those girls, and by 30 they look ten years older then they really are. You seem that you were really smart about this whole nude modeling thing from early on. I knew there was something I liked about you, beyond just your obvious beauty. You’re a woman with brains. XOXOXO
hah, well I’m sure plenty of guys would like to see me doing hardcore… but I can’t please everyone 🙂
now that’s good to hear. and i’m betting that there’s like thousands…neigh tens of thousands….. double neigh 😀 hundred of thousands of guys just itchin for you to do a hardcore photshoot/video.
oh and the diablo thing same here… the good old, my dog ate my homework thing only works so many times………
Thanks for lookin me up again Wreckless haha!
I used to LOOOVE diablo too! When I was younger, in high school I would stay up all night playing. Maybe that’s why I got such bad grades 🙂
And no worries of me doing hardcore. I’ve been doing what I do for the past 4+ years and it seems to be working for me hehe 🙂 Why mess with a good thing, right?
WOW to the WoW pics!
I really like that last one.
Too bad I’m all the way in Arizona, and you aren’t 🙁
awesome it’s been like 3 years that i haven’t looked up the name kate and voila your still on the net with your sexiness, hats off 😀
never played WoW… played alot of diablo though comes from the same company but not exactly the same thing….. knowing that you play , i just might get myself a copy 😀 meh maybe not 🙂 don’t have as much ‘time’ as i used too…
anyways keep up the good work 🙂 hope you don’t become an internet gangbang fisting cumshot receiving whore mahahaha cuz what your doing right now is really cool and i think that’s why your so popular… and also your fucking hot 😀
so cheers from quebec
Photos are wonderful 🙂
What server of WOW do you play on?
I’ve never played WoW before, but this may have just talked me into it.