It’s a good thing I have a decent rack cause I really can’t cook. I even burn water! Haha ok that might sound like a lie but I HONESTLY burnt water one time. I put some on to boil and then completely forgot about it and when I came back there was one little bead of water left and the rest had steamed off! It was really bad. I felt like a loser 🙂 I’ve gotten better at cooking though, it’s not great… but it’s edible… most of the time 🙂

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Can’t cook? Maybe you just need a nice warm sausage between your buns :-).
ahh its nice to hear of a modern man that can cook for himself, midnight 🙂
I never plan on getting a tattoo. I really hate them on girls. And I just can’t imagine putting something on my body that is going to be there for LIFE. To each their own of course, but they are not for me. I don’t mind tattoos on guys though.
if god would have wanted you to be ugly and able to cook he’d would have made ya that way.
so now that your stuck being hot well you order take out … oh cruel fate…
oh and that’s one sweet nighty 😉 and those little white stars you shouldn’t wear them anymore they don’t do you justice 😀
Gorgeous, Miss Ground! Wish you can be in my kitchen, you don’t even have to cook,(see I’m a modern man), just wear an apron, and nothing else. LoL. Was still curious about your thoughts on tattoos. Thinking of getting any? And what/where would you get for your first?
Don’t feel sad for yourself because you burnt water, I’ve had a friend who always managed to burn something when we came over for a visit. It still makes me wonder how he burns something on the Low setting of a Microwave.
I hope you become a better cook, perhaps get a friend to help teach you?
haha.. decent? I think its a little better than that 😉 Your pictures are great as always. Keep up the good work!
You are wonderful in any situation.It would be desirable to see you in living.
Do I not strongly mispronounce a language?
I from Ukraine and English does not almost know it is therefore necessary to translate through translator.