Happy Birthday to me!
It was my birthday yesterday!! I’m 23 now! eek! so old. ew. haha. If only we could stay young forever right?
It was a really nice day though, I had dinner with my family. I love spending time with them so it’s always great when we all get together. It wasn’t anything wild and crazy but it was nice. I did have two carmel apple martinis though woooo. haha! and a B52 coffeeย after dinner ๐ good times.
As for presents I got a new wii game, “bust a move.”. I love the arcade game! and Shrek 3 on dvd. Some gift certificates, a cake decorating book (cause its fun damnit!), and some other books (cause, I like… read n’ stuff).
I made my own cake though! I just had the urge to make cake so I made this pretty star cake. hehe. I decorated it myself too! I’m pretty proud of it cause it was my first attempt at doing it and I think it turned out pretty decent. Itย was a lot of workย but I had funย doing it. ย I can’t wait to try out some of the things in my new cake decorating book woohoo! oh god I’m so fucking lame haha. I love it. What can ya do. I’m getting old! ๐
here’s some goofy pics of my old ass ๐

thats a fake myspace profile G-dogg. very sad, pathetic people make those and pretend to be people they are not.
I don’t have a myspace profile anymore ๐
Thanks Marky! I will try less more often hehe.
And thank you Steve ๐
Jo Kate,
I have seen something that confused me a lil…
look at this
=> http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=154695528
Would pls somebody explain that to me?
Sry for my bad english, im from germany…
Happy belated birthday!! getting old at 23?!? I don’ think so! 30 is when you start to worry about your age. You’re still young, live it up while you can! I’ve always been a big fan of your hard work and commitment! You always look your best even when you don’t try!
Stay sexy hunny! Take care!
It’s nice to see, that a woman as beautiful as you are, don’t have to act like a complete BIMBO! Everybody thinks
because you fuck everybody, that makes you sexy. Your sexy by doing exactly what you do. Keep up the good work!
Are you ever going to consider doing another Playboy photo shoot? The ones you are in are always spectacular!
Thats ok I’m glad you like it, its the 1st portrait I’ve done since I was 14, I’m 18 now… so it’s been a while. Anyway I should be thanking you for being so beatiful and giving me the inspiration to draw again!!
I’m sure if you did write a book it would be good, you seem like there is so much more to you than a pretty face and a hot body ๐ If you like, I could do you another portrait ( something unfortunate happened to the last one ๐ ) and maybe send it to you if you want, anyway thanks 4 writing back, take care.
No way. I was born on nov 23, 1984. Guess it was a good day =P
Hey Kate, I was wondering what would your “perfect” guy be like? Personality wise and physical attributes.
Hi Kate,
okay, its too late, but beeing a fan and all i wanted to wish you the best. You know, 23 is better than 32 and i`m 23 as well ๐ so I know what it’s like ๐
Best wishes from Germany and keep on reading!!! and modeling ๐
Oh, sexy librarain. Do I sense a new picture set in the making? Or is that too cliche? No more cliche then the schoolgirl, and I like the photoshoots you’ve done portraying one. I know, not really original in my intrests am I? =) How about a Tinkerbell set?
sim sima! I LOVE that picture! That looks so great! I’ve had a few other people draw me but that is by far the best I’ve seen yet! Awesome. You are really good ๐ And thank you!
Well to answer your questions: If I wasn’t a model I would probably be a librarian haha. No really, I always wanted to be one when I was in high school I dont know why.
I’m a terrible writer. I love to read, but unfortunately reading doesn’t give me the ability to write hehe. ๐
Wat’s good? I kno its late, but who cares; Happy Birthday to ya. I’m right there with ya when u say that 23’s old. 20 seems old to me and that’ll be me soon. Congrats on the cake makin, looks good. Love ur face in those 2 pics. haha. And no, i’m not tryin to be mean, so don’t think that. I think it means ur comfortable where u are and are havin a great time. I’d say thats enough for one sittin.
Keep up the good work,
D-money,Drew,or whatever floats ur boat.
Whooops… I forgot to mention it on the comment I left a minute ago even though it’s one of the main reasons I came on your site, I done a portrait of you a while ago, it’s on the first page of my website. I hope you like it… Please don’t sue me if you don’t, see ya.
Hey Kate, I know it’s a bit late, but I hope that you had a great birthday. You still look as hot as ever!!! I wanted to ask you a couple of questions if thats ok, you’ve probably been asked this hundreds of times, but what would you like to be if u wasn’t a model? Secondly, you say that you are a big reader, have you ever considered writing a book about yourself? Any way hope to hear back from you, take care.
If I could be a woman, I would be Ciccolina.
Here is a bit of info on Rocco Siffredi:
Gotta love those Europeans!
Hi Kate,
Just wanted to say, I love the pics you do with Karen.
Are you planning on doing more pics with her? And how about
some more with Raven Riley!
Oh I’m sorry for your loss, that’s very nice of your mom to give them to you in memory of him. What was he like, or is that too bold of me to ask?
hmm ok who is Ciccolina?
Ford: the rings are actually my moms wedding band and engagement ring from my dad, since they are divorced and my dad passed away a few years ago my mom gave me the rings.
Technically there are 3 rings on that hand. The other ring is a high school graduation gift from my mom ๐
Hey Kate, one quick question. I saw your blog about the whole myspace incident (and that sucks by the way, that’s why i don’t have a myspace cuz they suck ass) and I read how myspace was dead to you and that you weren’t going to make another one, but I found a website that claims to be one of your official sites, and it does look pretty authentic, and it had a myspace link. So I followed the link and it brought up a very odd myspace page. It’s set to private and it has a pic of you, but all the info is completely off, like it says you live in Beverly Hills and other weird stuff. I’m just wondering if this is another imposter or did you create another myspace account?
Anyway that was just a random question I had, so ttyl!!!
Ha! yeah like I’m gonna put my real name out there!!!
UTFG, Kate. I am sure you will find plenty of links to info on Rocco Siffredi, also known as “The Italian Stallion”. He was very popular cinema star in the 1990s, but is semi-retired now. In the mean time, ask me who Ciccolina is/was.
mmmmm damn girl – as JT sings. If I ever come to Canada I hope bump into you!
Happy belated birthday Kate . Hi I’m from Winnipeg Kate been a fan of you and your work for a while now . Your a pretty girl and keep up the good work . Come visit us in Winnipeg anytime . Its nice and cold here for you . ๐
Wow, well now that you put me on the spot :-S … well I have always wanted to know if those rings on your right hand have any significance, because they do look a lot like an engagement ring and wedding band, but they’re on your right hand, so I’ve been quite perplexed about that. I do have some other questions but I’ll ask them in due time… I’ll let you wait a bit and ponder what they could be ๐ Well I gotta go, hope to hear from you, I was ecstatic to read your last reply!!!
hehe “don’t panic” i love hitchikers references ๐
whats up? what you wanna ask me? i dont really send out personal emails. ima biatch like that. so just ask here if you are dying to know something ๐
i dont know who rocco siffredi is… is that a bad thing? i feel lame that i dont know… haha sorry.
You are so hot. When I look at your pics, my dick gets so hard sometimes I get scared it might burst into flames:-O! Would you ever make a movie with Rocco Siffredi?
one week later i want to say happy bthd, Kate. i kept november 22nd in my head for 3 years, but havent kept the birth year and 1 week ago i knew it and was surprised cuz i have always thought u were born in 1985 but… really i think thั age of 23 is a gold age. HBD!
Hey Kate, sorry this is so late, but Happy Birthday!!! Hey I was wondering if you could e-mail me because if have some important questions I desperately need to ask you. Nothing horribly personal or weird or anything, just a couple questions that I really, really would like answered so that I can rest a litle more easily. Oh, and by the way, you look beautiful as ever, so don’t worry about anything!
And remember DON’T PANIC
Hello Kate!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!….mmm….really….its too late ..but…its better late than never!!!
I know who is your birthday…but I canยดt send my confratulations!!!!
You read much really!
mmm….and the music…ยฟ?….the music is the poetic part of all the humans!…Jjeje (I’m singer)…(oops…and violinist)…jaja…I’m a dork!..and War Craft Rulz!…ToT!!!
Jajaja…you’re beautiful for 23 years…you’re not old!..
I know…you’re…mmm…Jajaja…i don’t have words…
well… you rocks…I like you…and plisz…listen to Bethoven and Bach….And my father BRUCE DICKINSON of IRON MAIDEN!!!!…(…well….is not my father…but …I’m the same with he…:P)
ich liebe dich, die Jugendliebe
Congrats on your birthday; 3 full days before mine! I hope you had a nice relaxing one.
I was busy with photoshoots and editing RAW files, as well as work.
I love your work and have followed it for a while. Please feel free what I’ve been up to and if you’re game, maybe contact me.
Dave (aka: Mizu)
Keep up the great work
Just wanted to say happy Birthday. I really enjoy your work, you are very beautiful, and take some great pics.
Congratulations (late again) on your birthday, hoped you enjoyed it.
That cake looks quite nice, but i’m guessing no more slices left?
Hiya! Happy belated birthday! You really shouldn’t rip on yourself for getting older, I think you look better than ever, sincerely. That’s a hell-of-a-cake! You really made it yourself? Impressive. I make a cake occasionally, nothing fancy like that though. I was totally baked one night and my friends were over and I was looking through the pantry for munchies and saw a cake in a box. Read the directions, didn’t want to do it but the picture on the front looked too good to pass up. When it was done it didn’t look like the picture but it tasted pretty damn good…although I’m pretty sure taco shells would have tasted pretty damn good at that time too so…but it became a bit of a habit. Hey, have you seen the Mr.T commercial for warcraft? That’s funny shit. Anyway, happy b-day again, if I had a drink I’d raise it to you and say “may the best of your past be the worst of your future.” Cheers!
thanks everyone! ๐
haha well sometimes i FEEL like im 30. most men never make it past age 12 ๐
the books i got are not that exciting haha. Although I am a big reader (i’m part of a book club, oh yea, i rock).
They are books my mom got me on “canada’s youngest retiree” really lame. he basically read “rich dad poor dad” haha. but it does have some interesting info on stocks that i didnt know about. so theres that.
just remember, you are only as old as you feel. I guess that’s why my girlfriend always says I’m 12. Too much energy
kate , i wish you a happy Birthday.
im a big lover of all your work.
and especially the fact that you like videogame, and be proud of your geek side.
Long life to star wars, World of warcraft And KATES PLAYGROUND.
My english suck(Im from chile a long far away latina american country)
(if you could send only a “hi” to me mail. my world would explote)
Glad to see you happy ๐
Not worry regarding the age, life begins only!!!ะะต count years and enjoy life!
Glad to hear you had a great Birthday cutie. Sorry I couldn’t make it on account that you don’t know me. =)Books? You are such a, reader. What books did you get? Curious question from one bookworm to another. I send you 23 kisses and 23 hugs Kate.