Unknown Zip Sets
Well I hope you aren’t already bored with my new zip set at Kate’s Playground. But if you are I thought I would show you some lesser known but equally good zip sets on my girlfriend site Karen Loves Kate. I don’t talk about that site much because it isn’t actively updating anymore, but it’s a cute site with about 120 Picture Sets and 80 Videos. So there is certainly a lot of Kate and Karen to entertain! But don’t worry, you don’t have to be a member of the site to get these sexy zip sets of us. Here’s what I’m talking about:
Karen Loves Kate Zip Set 1 – Hot Tub
Karen and I skinny dipping in the hot tub. We make out too 🙂
Karen Loves Kate Zip Set 2 – Jello
Jello wrestling! Karen and I get slimy in blue Jello as we wrestle naked.
Karen Loves Kate Zip Set 3 – Domination
I Dominate Karen with whips and chains and a big double ended dildo.
I love being evil.
Oh and if you love Karen as much as I do you can check her out at her solo site Karen Dreams too 🙂
hello, kate¡¡¡ well I have a really important question¡¡ you said that the page karenloveskate “it isn’t actively updating anymore”, but Don´t you think to work with karen anymore? I´d really love to see more set of you both…you are a gift of the heaven…bye and remember I love see you with karen …
the one and only, earth would crumble in terror if there were two Mouze 😛
hah! thanks Mouze (are you the same from spunkyforums?) I really loved doing those “hate” sets. They were always a total giggle fest for Karen and I.
Whooo, that is so sweet. I wish I can be the one kissing your beautiful boobs. Kate, show us more of your tits. We should will enjoy them a lot 🙂
haha, Kate hates Karen is so funny. theres this one pic where you pull her bra after you scribbled “bitch” and such on her (and the arrows on her butt, haha)
it..is…so funny.
well and as proud owner of the above zips i say:
hot dayumyum^^
hmm good question lol. Karen does love to be dominated by me. Inside Karen loves Kate we have a section called “Kate hates Karen” and its basically me abusing her in a very goofy, pre-pubescent kind of way. you know when boys pull girls hair or throw rocks… yea. it was fun 🙂
You’ve got such a “innocent” look that is great to see your kinker side. I’ve seen only a few of those vidoes from those shoots. Like the Jello one. Its great how silly and giggly you girls are. You two made such a great team together. There’s just something about seeing a cute blonde and a cute brunette together. If the webiste is called “Karen Loves Kate” why do so many of the shoots show you more as the aggressor in the relationship? lol Karen/Kate 4 Ever.