Old Scoool…
A little comparison for you here… My latest set is called “flower”, the purple outfit I have on was from an older set that I did 3 years ago. I like to recycle hehe. So I thought I would give you a little taste of both of the sets. I was 19 in the older set… ahh so young, so innocent. (ohh now you know how old I am! … My 23rd birthday is coming up next month. I expect presents 🙂 )

See more pics Here!

These pics of Karen and I are a bit older too since I don’t have anything new to show you… How boring huh?
See more Here!
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!
I like your blog, this post is really good, but please vary your topics, it will broad your readership.
Nice! Thanks!
Very Nice! Thanks!
Hey, I was just wondering, since I have not as of yet subscribed to your site, just how much of you would I get to see of you and what other types of things can I expect? You can go ahead and just simply describe it in writing if that’s all you’re up for doing, but perhaps a sample picture of the “most revealing” sort from your site would be a nice way to advertise the full content of your website (kate’s playground)would help convince me to subscribe. Just one would suffice 🙂 Thanks!
You are a really special and beautiful person, I like intelligence in women even if people think its geeky.
ohhh, Kate, You became adult 😉
God you are so hot. I bet you get that all of the time but honestly you are way hot. Haha, I’ve wanted to say that for like two years. Anyways, I hope you are having a decent week and all is well. Oh, and if you ever play starcraft or diablo, hit me up on my email and we can play together (on the game haha)
Kate, has anybody ever told you you look like Chyler Leigh? The girl from Not Another Teen Movie. You could be twins. Extrememly beautiful twins. 😉
Canadians rock!!!!!!!
thats all i gotta say
Wonders what he can get Kate for her bday? Any suggestions?
Jesse thats an awesome video! fun facts 😉
Spectrum. I honestly haven’t heard the new manson album. I didn’t even know he had one actually. I don’t really keep up with the new music anymore. Im old and lame like that. oh but I <3 britney spears' new song. Seriously. I do. what? whats wrong with that?! ok, everything. I know. but I cant help myself!!
Thanks midnight! Karen only pretends to love me though, it's very depressing actually. 🙂
Stu K you can send presents the same way you send letters to santa. Just pop them in the mail addressed as "To Kate Ground in Canada"... I'll get it. Tthe mail system is awesome like that.
*sticks her butt out for Sky Masterson to cyberspank it*
Where can we send your presents?
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m celebrating by writing drunken messeges. Two things: first, is this little comment box strictly for remarks on your latest set? If so, it’s gorgeous. You and flowers “go together like lamb and tunafish…lamb and tunafish? Maybe you like speghetti and meatballs, you more comfortable with dat analogy?…” (Rob Sneider/Big Daddy) Seriously enchanting though, as usual. Second thing, and if the answer to the first question was yes, feel free to ignore this, have you heard Manson’s newest album, Eat Me, Drink Me? I just got it a few days ago. At first I wasn’t impressed but the more I listened to it the more I liked it and now I love it. Early on I mistook his sentimentality for him going soft, but I realized he’s just growing as an artist and I’m sure it took balls to diverge from his usual twisted-from-every-angle style. What do you think? Like it? If he’s got a spot on his website he’s next on my drunk messege list. I doubt it. …I ramble when I’m drinking, sorry. Ok, I’m done. You’re breathtaking. C-ya.
Do fans without membership piss you off? If I had a credit card I’d totally be drinkin’ on the swings and trippin’ down the slides and whatnot…
Ah, a new set. Well, since you’ve gone from an innocent little girl, to “some sort of megahoochie” I think that perhaps a good spanking is in order 😉
Old lingerie still fits. What’s changed? Hair is darker and longer, other then that not much. And embrace your age Kate, you’re one gorgeous woman. I love that pose in the second pic of the KLK set. Karen, what a lucky lady, but all your fans love you Kate. That’s not exclusive to her. Look forward to next blog entry, until then keep up the lovely work.