Golf Lessons with Kate Ground

Actually, I’ve never been golfing before in my life. Though I will give you lessons if you want. It would be a lesson on how to hook your golf club through your thong to show off your landing strip. That is a special skill of mine 🙂 Again, my photo uploads are not working so…

Twitter and Facebook

Aaahh! I decided to change the design of this site… and now I am like… WHY?! lol. So this whole thing is a work in progress. It looks like such a mess right now haha. Oh well. It will get done one day. But no day soon as I am MOVING! in a few days!…

Tight White Vest

Hey all! Hope you are having a good summer! The weather out here is finally starting to get nice again, it’s been really strange. I haven’t been doing much, went to the pool a few times, read some books (some good some bad haha), mostly I’ve been working though which is rare for me. Just…

Garden Cuteness

Theres some great bent over ass pics in this “Garden Cuteness” set. I hope you like my handlebar hairstyle haha. Pigtails are always great for having something to hold on to… 😉 Free Gallery Here xxoo


Haha, oooopsie! I had my server guys update to the new wordpress for me then I went on a week long vacation to visit some family… Little did I know that my site wouldn’t have the right template uploaded. Oops. So it looked pretty damn ugly for about a week 🙂 Anyway, it’s back to…