Selfies from Twitter

In case you missed all the crazy adorable selfies (hah!) that I’ve been posting to Twitter lately. You’re in luck, because here they are 🙂 Please follow me on Twitter @kate_ground for more pictures and plenty of inane ramblings! Oh and pictures of food. They just had to be included because that’s 90% of what…

Basic Instinct

This dress reminds me of Sharon Stone in Basic Instincts, but mine has trashy holes lol. She is so sexy in that movie, her legs are to die for! Here’s Kate’s Playground‘s take on the interrogation scene. Ok, it’s not even close, the dress just reminds me of the movie and it’s hard coming up…

My girl Alicia

I love this girl’s face! I don’t care if she’s naked or not, I just adore her face. She’s giving me naughty looks and I want to smooch her pouty lips! Alicia is one of the many new girls you will be seeing a lot of on my website. Along with Stephanie, Chanelle and many…