Vintage Kate’s Playground – Day 1

I thought it might be fun to feature some of my older sets all the way back to the site opening in 2003. So, everyday I am going to post a picture from a random set from one of the 20 pages of photo sets on my site. (There’s 400 picture sets so we could…

Kate’s Playground – Fall into Me

Autumn is here! Leaves are falling, wind is blowing, it’s my absolute favorite time of year! I just adore fall. It’s so perfect 🙂 Sweaters and skinny jeans lol no more pool side tanning, which sucks, but it’s worth it to see all the pretty colors of fall and pumpkins and halloween decorations. I have…

Kate’s Playground – Deal

Brand new pictures up today on Kate’s Playground “Deal”. I would make the WORST dealer ever, I cannot count lol. The video for this is rather hilarious because of this. ppsshht whatever though, right? At least I have nice boobs, who needs brains! :p 15 picture free gallery here xxoo

Kate’s Playground – Blending

I neglected to post this set when it first came out and then I totally forgot all about it! If you haven’t already seen it here is the preview for the latest picture set on Kate’s Playground “Blending”. Hope you like! Kate’s Playground “Blending” Gallery – 15 free pics! xxoo